Mural at the German town of Wittenberg, for the KURA festival 2016. Two walls under a brige, one side by KRAM other side by ELEDU.
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Mural at the German town of Wittenberg, for the KURA festival 2016. Two walls under a brige, one side by KRAM other side by ELEDU.
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Special collaboration with HOMELESS ENTREPRENEUR, an organization who provide homeless people with community, knowledge, resources, tools, and dignity to help them become the professionals they were before, be it as an employee, entrepreneur, or business owner.
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Indoor mural for the SOMEWHERE CAFÉ new location in Barcelona.
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Street Art Group Show at Damprkring Gallery, Amsterdam.
Exhibiting works by :
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Colaboración especial con banda TXARANGO para la promoción del festival CRUILLA de Primavera ( 2016 ).
Colaboración especial con banda TXARANGO para la promoción del festival CRUILLA de Primavera ( 2016 ).
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Rare Paste-Up festival in a little Portuguese town. 20 artists from around the globe shipped a paste-up (an original piece in my case) to Matosinhos, where it was pasted on the street by the Desenlata team.
Curated by GODMES & mynameisnotSEM.
Continue reading “DESENLATA 2016 / Matosinhos, Po”
Mural inside the HQ Barcelona, one of the best Social Cannabis Clubs in Barcelona.
Continue reading “KRAM x HQ Barcelona”
Live Painting de KRAM y OWEN en el White Summer Festival en la Antigua fábrica Damm de Barcelona.
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Graffiti walls compilation, done during 2015. Located at public space, most of time with No permision and always freestyling, no sketch, no previus plans.. just paint, time & fun ! Enjoy !
Continue reading “Graffiti Review 2015”
Solo show by Kram at Monduber Gallery, curated by Frank Picazo.
Continue reading ““A summer night dream” @ Monduber Gallery / Gandía, Sp”
Epic Street Fest 2015 was the first time ever mural Festival in Tranås, Sweden.
Organized by the city council with the help of the spanish artist Raul de Diós.
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Columns painted at Milestone Project 2015, in Girona.
Sharing space with Btoy, Milu, Boris Hoppek, Sam3, Escif, and Jofre Oliveras.
Continue reading “MILESTONE project / Girona, Cat”
My mural at the MOS-Copenhagen 2015.
Sharing wall with Arturo Damasco, Malakkai, Lints, Balstroem and many other great artists.
Continue reading “Meeting of Styles / COPENHAGEN , Dk”
Collabo Walls done during a fun visit to my friend Malakkai in Copenhagen.
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Exhibition by the FatalFake Colective at L’UZINE Art Centre, in Casablanca.
We was invited to do a short art residency, where we painted a mural inside the centre, presented an exibition, and ruled a Graffiti Workshop for the local youngs.
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Mural by Kram + Eledu at L’UZINE Art Centre, in Casablanca.
We was invited to do a short art residency, where we painted a wall inside the centre, presented an exibition, and ruled a Graffiti Workshop for the local youngs.
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Between Dec.2014 to Jan 2015 i was traveling around méxico carring a box full of spray cans courtesy of 360 spraypaint.
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Mural in colaboration with the Mexican artist TYZA, in the heart of the historic city centre.
Organizaed by FIDEICOMISO Centro histórico Ciudad de México, with the support of 360 spraypaint.
Continue reading “KRAM x TYSA / Mexico DF”
Decoración de puertas de metal para local particular en c/ St.Pere més baix, en el barrio Gótico de Barcelona.